FEED YOUR ADHD! with Grace and Dusty

Find 2022’s workshop here!

We’re hosting a workshop!

Dusty Chipura ↗, the AACC-certified ADHD Coach (and esteemed ADHD community member) and I are partnering together to host FEED YOUR ADHD!

It's a fun, educational, and hands-on series of remote workshops designed to help ADHD adults navigate the organizational and brain-based challenges around food and eating.

And yall. It's going to be such a great time. Dusty is an incredible person and brilliant coach, and I LOVE talking about food and ADHD. We're going to have a blast together. I'm honestly so excited for this!

Read on for all the juicy details, or just click here to get to the Eventbrite page ↗ and sign up right now!


this remote workshop series has three parts:

01. The two-day weekend workshop

choose from *EITHER* Jul 31-Aug 1 *OR* Aug 21-22

Consider this all-day interactive weekend workshop to be your crash course on ADHD and cooking. We'll learn the ins and outs of how ADHD contributes to challenges in the kitchen with the support of a community that really gets it.

The weekend will be a mix of useful information and education, thoughtful community discussions, brainstorming, coaching, and troubleshooting. We'll also have generous time for body doubling to assist with gently guided kitchen cleaning, organization, and meal planning.

If you're unfamiliar with body doubling, How to ADHD's video "What is a 'body double', and how does it help? ↗" is a great overview.

02. A twice-weekly “drop-in” meal + kitchen prep

Tuesdays + Saturdays until the end of Sept

After the initial, two-day workshop, we will be hosting 1-hour drop-in body doubling twice a week. Here, you're able to meal prep, cook, tackle the dish pile, or organize your kitchen alongside other workshop attendees.

These drop-ins are totally optional, but highly encouraged! Consistency, accountability, and ongoing community support is *so helpful* for us ADHD people. Each drop-in will be run by a "tip jar"/pay-what-you-can attendance model— any donations are immensely appreciated.

You can join me on Tuesdays and Dusty on Saturdays for ongoing support as you feed your ADHD. It's going to be great!

03. A follow-up mini-workshop

choose from *EITHER* Sept 11 *OR* Sept 12

A few weeks after the initial 2-day workshop, we'll connect again for a 3-hour follow-up.

Here we'll refresh on what we've learned so far and reflect on what has been working (or not working) in your kitchen since our first meeting. We'll have space to do some troubleshooting around challenges that have surfaced, and explore ways to adjust and adapt. The goal is to get you set up to continue building towards an easier, more enjoyable time in the kitchen.


How to sign up

Tickets for the workshop series are $125 USD. This includes the 2-day workshop and the follow-up mini-workshop. The ongoing, twice-weekly body doubling is donation/pay-what-you-can.

When you sign up on our Eventbrite page, you'll be able to choose which weekend you'd like your 2-day weekend workshop to take place. We'll reach out to schedule the follow-up mini-workshop at a later date.

Sign up for FEED YOUR ADHD! with Grace and Dusty here ↗

If you're interested in signing up for all of Dusty's coaching workshops and classes this summer/fall— which is a hell of a deal— she is offering a 15% discount when you bundle.

Sign up for ROCK YOUR ADHD 2021, ADHD BOOTCAMP, and FEED YOUR ADHD! for 15% off here ↗

If the listed ticket price is a financial burden, please get in touch for a sliding scale rate. Conversely, if you would like to donate an entry fee, simply purchase x-number of tickets and follow up with Dusty via email.

For either scenario, please email: contact@vancouveradhdcoaching.com

more on adhd and cooking

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