information. symptom management. support. diagnosis.

all things adhd!

adhd resources to learn from and relate to

Find personal stories, educational resources, and helpful tips for living with ADHD.

This resource list is always growing!

a paperclip with googly eyeballs meant to look like clippy form Microsoft word, looking incredibly innocent as he does, with the scrabble tiles "h e l p" cascading off to the side.





The Art of Showing Up, Rachel Wilkerson Miller. Not specifically ADHD, but really helpful advice for taking care of yourself and others.

A Radical Guide for Women with ADHD, Michelle Frank and Sari Solden. Obviously v gendered, but I find the exercises to be truly very helpful, especially if early on in your ADHD dx.

Driven to Distraction, Edward Hallowell and John Ratey. This is the first ADHD book I ever read back in 2019. The revised version is best, very informative, but I will say it felt a lil dated when I read it.

blogs + websites

Black Girl Lost Keys, René Brooks. I’ve linked to a few of Rene’s articles throughout this resource page, but truthfully, her entire blog is a treasure trove.

The ADHD Homestead, Jaclyn Paul. Her blog has tons of advice and essays about the adult ADHD experience.

Unfuck Your Habitat. A gender-neutral resource on cleaning and organizing written with disability in mind. Not specifically ADHD, but great advice for ADHD brains.

CHADD: Children and Adults with ADHD. Considered to be ~the~ ADHD organization, they have tons of scientifically backed information about ADHD.

Understood. An ADHD and Dyslexia organization with tons of articles and resources. Great writers, mildly confusing user interface.



Adulting with ADHD, Rach Idowu.

bites and pieces, me! Follow the link or keep scrolling and you’ll find up a sign up section below.

etc. misc. other

Dusty Chipura, AACC Certified ADHD Coach.

Black Girl Lost Keys Store. René Brooks’ store where you can find Toys + Tools + Workbooks!!

ADHD Traits Flashcards. Created by Rach Idowu of Adulting with ADHD. These are a great intro to the science of ADHD in a more tactile and fun format than a book.

Unicorn Squad, For Black people of Marginalized Genders with ADHD. A safe Facebook Community created by René Brooks.